New Series: JPL FAQs – How Can I Get Better Assignments at Work?

When it comes to your career, it is rarely a smooth, easy path. In an effort to help guide you along your journey we’re starting a new series, JPL FAQs. We’ll be sharing some of the questions we hear repeated and the answers to help alleviate those worries. We hope it helps.


Q: How can I do better work when every assignment I get is terrible?

A: You’re only considering the “terrible” assignments you are given at your job and expecting those to supply you with the work you need in your portfolio. Give yourself assignments, with the goal of improving your skills and your work. Do a speculative assignment. Locate a real job by approaching a company or organization that needs help and barter to do the task with the agreement that they will use what you recommend. In other words, take responsibility for what goes into your portfolio by taking control of the work opportunities.


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