Without a doubt, this is the most exciting time in the history of advertising. The digital age has greatly increased the potential for creative innovation, but the digital revolution has also brought a new complexity to what we do. With consumers now in control of what communication they receive, and when and how they receive […]
Archive by Author
Mediocre Career? Maybe It’s On Autopilot
The economy is going through some difficult times. Advertising is leading the way when it comes to dissatisfaction. I look at it like A Tale of Two Cities. It may be the worst of times, but it is also the best of times. Technology has given us a large palette to use to create. Don’t believe […]
Dear Applicant, It’s Time to Up Your Game
I recently placed ads for creative positions on TalentZoo.com. The large number of responses I have received indicates the market is still flooded with people out of work. That’s no surprise to me. The economy has caused the worst job situation I’ve seen during my career. But with adversity there is opportunity. I’ve always been […]
It’s Not What You Do But How You Do It That Gets the Job
Many that attempt to find a career in advertising know little of the complexities of getting into the best companies. A great portfolio of work is essential, but it isn’t enough to land the job. Here are a few skills to develop to make sure you are in the top tier of job candidates. 1. […]
Start on the Wrong Path and Stay There
Is your career path a downward spiral? Why do most careers start and stay on the wrong path? It’s simple when you think about it. If your company does mediocre work, it expects you to do the same. In fact, it trains you to be mediocre. When you work for the wrong company, you learn […]
Inject Some Creativity Into Your Boring Career
You’ve always had a creative streak in you. Maybe you even went to school to nurture it into a creative career. Chances are, that plan hasn’t come to fruition. Most people who go to school to be in a creative career in advertising, end up doing something on the opposite end of the spectrum. You […]
The Portfolio Check-Up
UncategorizedGive your portfolio an annual check-up. If you can’t get anyone’s attention in the communication arts industry, more than likely your portfolio is the culprit. A goal to refresh your portfolio every year will keep you competitive. Employers seldom look for potential. They want the sure thing. Your portfolio has to do more than share […]
Forget Luck. Be Accountable for Your Own Success
I really hate photographs of myself. I am simply better looking than what the camera records. The problem is the lighting, the angle, the focus, the exposure – anything but me. It can’t be me. Such vanity is how many approach evaluating their careers. They blame outside forces rather than personal weaknesses. They blame a lack […]
Warning Signs That Your Job is Killing Your Advertising Career
Career Advice Career Improvement
I have reviewed thousands of portfolios and interviewed dozens upon dozens of job candidates. That experience taught me one thing about career success: working at the wrong job starves career potential. Many of those not offered positions with our agency had stayed too long in the wrong job. Their work wasn’t where it should have […]
How to Conquer the Interview and Their Skepticism
The foremost reason people blow interviews is that they don’t realize an interview isn’t an interview. An interview is the “What’s-Wrong-With-This-Person?” meeting. Employers do everything possible to prevent a hiring mistake. This includes heeding “red flags” during an interview. Ill-preparedness is how these flags are waved. To avoid this fate, take these steps to prepare for […]