Whether it fits or not, we all get grouped into a stereotype. When it happens, and you pay the consequence for someone else’s behavior, it’s pretty demoralizing. But you don’t have to be the scapegoat, particularly if you’re a Millennial. Online career network Beyond.com did a survey to contrast perceptions between young job seekers and […]
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Want to Improve Your Career? Know What You Don’t Want
UncategorizedIf you’re like most people, your career isn’t where you want it to be. The number one reason people leave a job is a lack of growth and opportunity. If you’re feeling despondent about your career, lack of growth probably tops the reason list for why. Before you decide to bail on your present job, […]
How to Get the Job that Will Rocket Your Career to the Top
UncategorizedHow did this happen? You’re sitting there in a cubicle, watching the clock, waiting to get away from the misery. Everyone said you were going to be a star. Here you are, cranking out drivel. You’re not taking it lying down. You’ve got applications out to the best companies — the ones where you’ve dreamed […]
Four Things Agencies Look For In A Portfolio
Career Advice Career Improvement UncategorizedNot long ago a recent college graduate lamented how agencies wouldn’t respond when she sent her portfolio for consideration. After learning that she had sent her work to some of the hottest agencies in our industry, I told her they had responded. Silence means no. I told her not to be offended by a non-response […]
Want to keep your creative career on track? Don’t get the ax.
UncategorizedWhen times are tough, and an agency needs to trim the fat, you want to be lean muscle. By continually improving and increasing skills, you become less vulnerable. Here are a few tips on how to become your company’s most valuable employee. Sacrifice When you examine highly successful people, you inevitably find a disciplined work […]
Four ways you can beat the odds and have a great creative career.
UncategorizedThe job situation in the creative industries is tougher than ever. If you’re one of the few who beats the odds here is how you will do it: 1. You won’t count too much on your education. Even the most respected programs aren’t a golden ticket to a job. With very few exceptions, academia’s curriculum […]